Take action for OUR PLANET

I created a virtual blackboard with the application thinglink (www.thinglink.com) in which you will find videos and links to watch and browse to become more knowledgeable about climate change, global warming, carbon footprint, recycling.   These aspects are essential for us to have the necessary grasp to do something to protect our future, that is to safeguard the environment. Without the environment we cannot exist, so it is high time we learnt something about the necessary steps we need to take to survive and live in harmony with nature.

Read these quotes from Native Indian sages.  What do they have in common?  What thoughts do they prompt?  Which one do you like best? Why?



eat money

we belong to the land

Here you get your interactive eye promoting recyling and not only.

Now use the following padlet to write your comments.  I want you to write two things: a slogan for a t-shirt meant to raise people’s awareness of climate change and the appalling ways we are jeopardizing our environment and thus our own lives.  Then write at least one resolution “I am going to…” to do something to safeguard the environment.  E.g. I am going to turn off the tap when I take a shower.  OR I am going to ask my mum to buy energy efficient bulbs.  Before you write your resolution, make sure that your classmates have not written it already.  So first come first served!!

Last but not least, I would like you to write a poem dedicated to Planet Earth, to the Environment, to Nature.  It could be: Write a poem about what makes nature so grand and majestic. OR Think about the things you do daily to help the environment or how you incorporate elements of nature into your home. Write a poem about the joy and contentment that brings you. OR Find areas that are dealing with big issues of destruction and pollution. Write a poem about the destruction slowly destroying that area, and how it impacts the other communities around it.

Peace By Piece by Celia Berrell

The world is getting smaller and its breaking into bits.

Let’s put it back together.

Peace by piece the puzzle fits.

Repairs can all be tended by the tiniest of friends.

As working all together peace by piece the puzzle mends.

Town And Country Air by Celia Berrell

It’s both town and country air that we ultimately share.

So polluting one expect to get a butterfly effect.

If the key to all our health is to share in nature’s wealth

then we’d best invest a plan to save our wildlife while we can.

Stand Up by Graeme King

Pretend it doesn’t happen

look away you can’t afford to yell or have your say

they have the law behind them and the right and where can we find nerve to stand and fight?

It’s easy to look elsewhere turn your head afraid to ask the questions arms outspread to ask the reasons why they want it all we hear the forest cry and watch it fall.

Be strong. Raise up your hand and join the crowd send out your voice of protest shout it loud

we must preserve the ground on which we tread one day you may remember what I’ve said.

Choose an image linked to the poem you have written, then use the application www.fotobabble.com to record you reading your poem.  Articulate words clearly so that everybody can understand and appreciate your poem. This is my poem and my fotobabble.

My Cradle, My Tomb by Cristiana Ziraldo

Out of you I came

Welcomed and lulled by your warmth

First I crawled and I could smell the scent of flowers

I could feel the soft cool drops of dew

I rolled down jolly hills

I loved you since Day One, unaware of the century I was doomed to live

Each offence to you offended me

I grew and saw my cradle being filled with waste, I felt like choking

People littering, people blind to your wealth: they traced deep scars in you, ignoring the wounds procured to their own future

I did my best, I respected you at my very best, yet that was not enough

Greed and Ignorance turned my rosy cradle, my happy childhood, into my present grey Tomb.



As you saw in the “interactive eye” there are different ways to raise people’s awareness of environmental issues.  There are governments and environmental institutions that do this through social advertising, either in the form of videos or in the form of printed images/messages.

I want you to look at the following “ads of the world” and say which one you like the most and why.  Which ad has the strongest impact on you?  If you were asked to create an ad yourself, what would it be like?

Then watch the two social advertising videos and state which one you find more effective to raise a young person’s awareness of global warming and climate change.

the earth the bear WWFfish extinction WWF-Every-Like-Saves-Lives Desertification-destroys-6000-species-every-year-1 WWF

91 Replies to “Take action for OUR PLANET”

  1. QUOTES: These quotes in my opinion have a real meaning because they all have the purpose to protect the environmente. I like mostly the last quote because it involves me and hits me more. These quote has reason because when we born, the land indeed exist and gives us the possibility for grow up well. We have to respect the Earth.

    I really like this four quotes.
    They have all in common the nature,the fact that we belong to nature and that is better to think of the nature instead of thinking of money,because money isn’t all in life.
    They made the readers thinking about respect for the earth and about the future,they make sobering about the prospective of our future children,of what they will find if we continue to treat the earth that way.
    I like best the third quote “eat money?” because it is so really and the meaning of the poem is near of us all and I think it is easy to understand the meaning and the hidden charges.
    I think that the author wanted to be decisive,strong,even angry with all of us.It seems like he blame on us.It is a very good quote with a deep meaning.

  3. The quotes have in common many things about the climate and the man.
    For example the environment’s exploitation: the deforestations and the oceans’ pollution, but especially the aftermaths that we are going to have if we don’t stop this.
    These quotes make me think, that we have no much time, to improve our approach with the environment around us before it collapse, and we with it.
    My favourite one is the Russel Means’ quote, first of all for the expression that he has used, or rather:”Mother Earth” but above all, for his thought, that if we won’t stop this exploitation, the environment will retaliate and will eliminate us.

  4. 1) They have in common the theme of the earth and its problems . where their ” abuse ” of trees by cutting them not
    knowing the various complications that address .
    Very important that we could not live without what is oxygen .
    Then for example the food to feed us
    Then to cure us from disease and ultimately animal habitats . We must take care of our
    planet and especially the plants if there are we will not be here .

    2) They reflect especially on the importance of the earth . that nature is gradually disappearing thanks of to the
    deforestation and smog is advancing more and more.
    3) I preferred , because I really enjoyed the 3 quote , because he speak precisely of these trees who die every
    day , and the river has been poisoned thanks of to pollution and fish that live there who are dying or who we fish
    and because are we take polluted diseases but all this with the money we cannot do anything and the money is not bought life , as he says we do not feed money

    All these quotes tell us how important is the Earth and how important is to safeguard the environment. The quote I like best is the third.
    Today people are so greedy that think only to make money and they don’t see the Earth’s needs. People ruin the environment with the pollution, the deforestation and the killing of too many animals, but they don’t know that is a circle: if we ruin the Earth it will cause us illness and pain but if we take care of the Earth it will give us life and happiness.

  6. -In the video when the kid asks to her dad if there will be a happy ending, because is clear she’s worried that the cloud can destroy the city as in real life and in all the fairytails there’s a happy ending but it isn’t sure in reality there’s a remedy to the ”bad cloud” that is stoking more and more.

    -Global warming is one aspect of climate change that involves rising temperatures in various regions of the world. It’s caused by gases in the atmosphere that trap the heat. With rapping heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, temperatures will also rise involving the air and even the oceans. Also the use of fossil fuels is a huge contributorto the release of gases in the environment. To reduce global warming we can start recycling, using less heat, air conditioning and hot water, driving less and smart.
    -Recycle means the process of using materials into new products to save resurce and energy.
    -My carbon footprint is 3 planets and 20; carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gases produced to directly and indirectly support human activities. People burn off a lot of energy, so to reduce carbon footprint we have to use less energy to do normal life routine.
    -Climate change: weather is the changes we see and feel outside from day to day. It might rain one day and be sunny the next. Sometimes it is cold. Sometimes it is hot. Weather also changes from place to place; Climate change is a change in the usual weather found in a place. This could be a change in how much rain a place usually gets in a year. Or it could be a change in a place’s usual temperature for a month or season. Climate change is also a change in Earth’s climate. This could be a change in Earth’s usual temperature. Or it could be a change in where rain and snow usually fall on Earth. Weather can change in just a few hours. Climate takes hundreds or even millions of years to change.

  7. EYE: The photos tell me that the recycling is very important for the humankind and animals because there are many children and animals that they suffer the consequence. I think that the adults should worry more and give the good breeding to their children. Are we that we should change things if we want a better World.

    (1)The kid asks her dad whether there is a happy ending because she thinks that this story is just a fairytail like “Cinderella”. Unfortunately it isn’t and there won’t be a Fairy Godmother that will save us all. WE have to save ourselves (since we don’t know how the story ends).
    (2)“Global warming” is the increase in the Earth’s averege atmospheric temperature caused by the greenhouse effect. Governments have to take action by reducing their dependency on fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy sources instead, but we can also do something. We have no choice! Every citizen should try to reduce his emission of greenhouse gasses, for example by choosing the bike instead of the car when it’s possible or by turning the thermostat down just one degree. Those actions may seem useless when it comes to “global warming” but, if everyone tries really hard, they will have a great impact.
    (3)What do the photos tell you? Why is recycling important? –> These shocking photos tell us that the enormous quantity of waste we produce everyday is destroying our environment. Recycling is important because we often get rid even of those things we could actually re-use. And getting rid of something, for now, means burning, deposit, or burying it on our planet! So we never really “get rid” of it and pollution increases day by day! Recycling is definitely something we should all do. But is it enough? This video (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9GorqroigqM) explains why recycling isn’t enough: “The waste coming out of our houses is just the tip of the iceberg. For every one garbage can of waste you put out on the curb 70 garbage cans of waste were made just to make the junk in that one garbage can you put out on the curbe. So even if we could recycle 100% of the waste coming out of our households it doesn’t get to the core of the problems”.
    (4)In this Greenpeace global warming ad we do not have captions in English. What would your caption be? –> Cleaning waste water is an energy-intensive process. Please don’t waste.
    (5)Another Greenpeace ad. How is linked to the one with the baby in the bathtub? Which one do you find more effective in denouncing global warming and asking for you to take action? –> The two videos aim to make people reflect upon their actions. Are we really making an effort to save the planet? Honestly I think that both of them are not very effective. In my opinion it’s more effective SEEING photos and videos of the terrible consequences of global warming, for example seeing how much a place changed because of pollution in a few years. That scares people more. We immediately think (thanks to our natural instincts) that the same things could happen to our contry, to our city, to our house, to us. Unfortunately we often take action only when it’s too late. This is a famous poem written by Pastor Martin Niemöller: “First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Socialist. Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out. Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak for me.”
    (6)What is carbon footprint? –> It’s a mark you leave upon the invironment with every action that releases carbons (harmful gasses like Carbon dioxide).
    (7)What do these people do wrong? How could they reduce their carbon footprint?–>
    These people have a bad impact on the invironment because of their wrong behaviour towards waste and pollution. For example they travel by airplane, leave the fridge door open for too long and take a bath instead of a short shower. To reduce their carbon footprint they could be more careful witht their actions. They could, for example, walk and cycle instead of driving and travelling by plane. And if it is impossible, they could choose public transportation. Trains are slower than planes but they pollute less! I was raised to belive in the power of the unknown.
    (8) REDUCE means using less of our resorces now, saving more for later. REUSE means finding a way to use things even when they should be thrown away in theory. RECYCLE means to pass a product through a system again for further use.
    (9)The 3 R’s song. Do you like it? What would your ideal song to promote recycling be like? —> I can’t say I like the song although I really appreciate its goal.
    Maybe it’s just me… but I think every song that celebrates planet Earth and its living beings (humans included) is somehow promoting the safeguard of the environment. I mean, there are lots of songs that, even without saying it loud and clear, give this simple message: this world is too beautiful to be destroyed. For example the song “Liebe” by Moop Mama gives me these thoughts. Even a simple melody can make you think “Wow, this is a wonderful place to live. I need to do something so that my children and my grandsons will see it too! I want them to hear this music under THESE trees, in front of THIS lake, while breathing THIS air”.
    Songs transmit emotions. Emotions push us into doing something.
    (10)How do you want to make a difference? –> “Even when we have more than enough, we are afraid to lose some of our wealth, afraid to share” says the girl in the video. I’m also afraid to lose some of my wealth. To make a difference, I should change my mind-set first.
    (11) 1. We have a compost bin in our vegetable garden.
    2. When shopping we always bring our eco-bags.
    3. My dad, my brother and I go to school by bike most of the times. My mum would love to, but her job doesn’t allow her to.
    4. We often walk or cycle to reach places located in our town (cinema, shops,..)
    5. When we are on vacation we often travel by train or by bus.
    6. We send drinking bottles, paper, used oil, old batteries and used tires to a depot for recycling or safe disposal.
    7. We don’t pour chemicals and waste oil on to the ground or into drains leading to bodies of water.
    8. Wherever possible we separate biodegradable and recyclable waste from non-biodegradable and work to reduce the amount of non-biodegradable or recyclable waste.
    9. We don’t eat much meat and sometimes we try things like “seitan”.

  9. EYE: The kid ask her dad if it will be a happy ending because in the fables there is always a happy ending. In my opinion she was worried for the animals because what happens in the fable it could happen in real life too.

  10. EYE: In my opinion what connects the video “angry kid” with baby’s video is the adult that in both cases shows irresponsible.
    I think that the angry kid’s video is more effective in denouncing global warming because the kid talks about much things that make you think more. But both videos are important for make us understand the consequences.

  11. EYE: In this video my caption would:”things that we consider trivial, they will disclose the most dangerous”

  12. The “ads of the world” that I liked more is the third image.
    More than anything else struck me and bring me now to reflect. Three questions in my head: “Why?” “Up to this point?” “We have really wanted it?”
    And I don’t find an answer, I believe that all this will change us in the future and the Planet will also have the right to revenge us.

  13. Interactive eye:
    1) The kid ask her dad whether there is a happy ending because she hear only sad things. She looks worried, for example, when her father shows her a picture with houses and buildings disappearing under the sea. The kid ask how will the story end, but it’s difficult to say. It’s only up to us.
    2) Global warming is the increase of the Earth’s average temperature. It is caused by us, by human activities. For example cars, processed food, dependency on fossil fuels are some of the reasons why global worming exist.
    3) In the photos I can see how the animals suffer and what the humans did. We canceled everything was green like trees with plants and we also polluted seas. The best thing for saving our Earth is starting recycling because if we respect the environment, animals will not have problems and they will not die because of us.
    4) Caption: Don’t waste water for the good of us and of our children.
    5) They are linked because both are denouncing global warming, but I think the first is more effective because it’ s more interesting ( for the story) and makes you think about how to take action for our Earth.
    6) Carbon footprint are the gasses caused by human activities like pollution. Even everything we want has it on carbon footprint because it came from the industries that consumes energy.
    7) They waste energy, water and electricity. To reduce their carbon footprint they could think about it and take action for example taking ecological means of transports and turning off the television if they don’t need it.
    8) REDUCE: To don’t waste we can produce things but not too big because It’s more usable produce a lot of things but more smaller.
    REUSE: Some things are reusable and some of them can’t be throw away.
    Recycle: like reuse
    9) We can reuse things
    10) Because in the future the situation of the Earth will get worse.

  14. -Video 1 Why is time ti take actions?
    It is time ti take actions because we can’t wait doing anything till the end of the Earth we have to save the environment.
    What does reduce, reuse recycle mean?
    Reduce, reuse recycle means that we can save the environment and we just have to stop polluting reducing our waste and we can reduce it if we reuse some things like dresses or pieces of paper, we also can reuse leftover food and we can stop polluting also if we recycle.
    What prevents recycle? How can we recycle?
    In my opinion lazy humans that think only of theirselves and don’t want to do anything for save the Earth. We can recycle throwing the garbage in the appropriate trash basket, paper in the paper basket, bottles in the plastic basket.
    -Video girl speech in 1992 How do you want to ale a difference?
    I want to do some little but very important things that can save the environment like recycle or turn off lights when I a not at home.
    -The 3R’s song
    What is the message delivered in this video? Do you like it? What would your ideal song to promote recycling be like?
    I like this song because it speaks about an important topic like recycling and the lyrics of this song express it in a very good way. I also like the rhythm of the song inasmuch as it is catchy and harmonious. My ideal song to promote recycling can be like this one but I think that the beginning of the song should speak more about recycling and less about numbers. The message delivered in this video is the same message delivered in the song that we have to reduce, reuse, recycle if we want to save the Planet and our lives.
    – social advertising
    Why does the kid ask her dad if there is a happy ending?
    I think that she ask her father if there’s an happy ending because children’ stories usually end with ” and they lived happily ever after” or “and the prince save is beloved from the evil dragon” so children’s are accustomed to have an happy ending, but this is social advertising so the people who made this publicity wanted that the world understand that we can save the environment but it’s up to us to do it.
    What is global warming? What is caused by? What can we do to reduce it?
    Global warming is the increase of Earth’s temperature because of the effect of greenhouse gasses like carbon dioxide or other gas. Global warming is caused by humans activities, by the humans choices and we can do some little things that can save the Planet. For example we can turn the thermostat down just one degree or use the washing machine only when it is full.
    – video children in the bath. What would your caption be?
    My caption is: don’t waste water
    -video another Greenpeace……
    Which one do you find more effective to denouncing global warming and asking for you to take action?
    I think this is a video that denounce global warming and the lazy adults that say:” global warming is not my proble, I can’t do anything for save the environment”.
    -what is carbon footprint?
    Carbon footprint is the measure of the impact that ours activities have on the environment.
    -wikihow.it is there anytime you could not follow? Why? What can you do to persuade your parents?
    At he moment I am doing lots of things and I can do the ones that I am not doing. I think that I don’t have to persuade my parents because they already recycle and do all they can for save the environment, they want a world without pollution like me.
    – photos bored panda
    What do this photos tell you? Why recycling is important?
    I think that these photos are horrible and when I saw the images I was shocking because it is terrible what happens at the animals because of humans. I think that recycling is important because we don’t have to see photos like this never more. Because this are not edited photos, this is the truth and we cause this so we must learn from ours mistakes and we have recycle and all the others things that can save the environment.
    – ads of the world ONU
    Which one do you like the most and why? Which ad has the stronger impact on you?if you are asked to create one yourself what would be like?
    I like all these photos because all express that we have to say no to global warming, but I have two favorite photos: the one with the ice cream Earth and one with the elephant that crumble. The images have got a stronger impact because make you understand what will happen in the next future if we don’t stop polluting.
    -two social advertising videos
    Which one do you find more effective to raise a young person’s awareness of global warming and climate change?
    I think that both the videos are effective to raise a young person’s awareness of global warming and climate change; but my favorite social advertising is the second because it is better expressed the concept of global warming. I also think that in the second video
    The depressed animals who commit suicide remain impressed in the minds of those who watch the video.

  15. EYE: The Global Warming, italian translated into “Riscaldamento Globale”, it’s a phenomenon that cans cause devastating effects.
    The Global Warming is caused by human activities, for instance such as burning fossil fuels like oil, gas and coal.
    For riduce it, we can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases increasing use of alternative fuels and energy sources like natural gas, solar, hydro-electric and wind power. This can also be reduced by sustaining existing forest cover, improving the management of land and planting new trees.

    -Why is it time to take action?
    It is time to take action because the world is changing in negative and this is also a negative thing for us. If we use too much the car, we will produce a lot of gasses that block sun’s rays in the atmosphere. The temperature increase and this produces a lot of problems for humanity and environment.

    -How can we recycle?
    We can recycle reused shopping bag, recycled cans, bottles and paper, used a holder of washing powder for another things, used old clothes in another way and reused bottles in glass or plastic.

    -What prevents recycling?
    Don’t make the collection

    -What does Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mean?
    Reduce means reduce packages and make one more big; reuse means use another time one thing, for example, use a package of yoghurt for rice; recycle means

    -Is there any tip that you could not follow? Why? What can you do to persuade your parents to help you stick to the tips and thus promote a better future for you and generations to come?
    I couldn’t follow point 1 because I don’t have time and patient for follow the compost; points 2 and 5 only to go to school. I go to school by car because my bestfriend’s mum has got availability to drive us to school but my parents tell me that I should go by bus, but when I go out with friends or I go to the gym I use a bike or a bus; in the ends I couldn’t follow point 10 because I love eat meat and I can’t eat only vegetables.

    -What is carbon footprint?
    Carbon footprint is your footprint that you leave on environment but not with your feet but through use objects that release CO2. More objects you use and more big is your footprint.

    -Why does the kid ask her dad whether there is a happy ending?
    Because she lives in this environment and she thinks this is a good thing for the future.

    -What is the global warming?
    The global warming is the increase of the temperature on the Earth. It caused by human activities and it has caused rising sea levels. It also caused by food production. To reduce it we can sealing doors and increasing insulation, turning the thermostal down and replacing an old boiler with a new model, swapping halogen lights for fluorescent or LED lights, using a washing machine and dishwasher only when full, it is better allowing clothes to air dry instead of using a tumble dryer. In the end we can adopting a vegan diet for three days a week and don’t buy processed foods.

    -What do the photos tell you? Why is recycling important?
    This photos tell me that recycling is very important for all people, animals and organism of the world. If we don’t recycle, rubbish finish in the see, lakes and river where live animals and plants. But we don’t kill only animals and plants.. we are killing us with our hands. I was shocked by this photos because I don’t think the world is so bad and I felt a disgust for this humanity.

    -I choose the first photo because I liked it a lot. The Earth is compare to an ice-cream that is melting and if we don’t recycle and we produce a lot of pollution, the global warming will increase more and more and than the problems are going to make worse and we can’t do anything more.

  17. EYE: In my opinion the tips you can follow to safeguarde our environment are all right.

  18. Kid Social advertising: The kid says those words because she usually reads well-end-stories, even if they present a bad situation in the beginning.
    Global warming: it is one of the most serious threats to our planet’s future that is caused by human activities. People can reduce it, turning down the thermostat, replacing an old boiler with a new model, swapping halogen lights for fluorescent or LED lights. We can also dry our clothes in the air or eating a vegetarian diet. Governments can act too: they can reduce their dependency on fossil fuels and increasing the use of renewable energy sources like solar panels, wind turbines, water wheels and biomass.
    Boredpanda’s photos: those photos show me something I have never seen before. I realize that pollution is a big problem we must resolve. Recycling is so important not to waste uselessly materials that can be reused.
    Greenpeace Global Warming Ad: my caption would be “Our sons’ unavoidable future”.
    The second Greenpeace Ad: it is linked to the other one because both the protagonists make people think about how the planet will be in the next few years. The baby is more effective because he has the classical babies’ innocence.
    Carbon footprint: it is a mark everyone leaves upon the environment.
    Carbon footprint advertising: these people waste energy by leaving the heater outdoor or the game console switched on, using the washing machine, driving the car, using too much water or travelling too. To reduce their carbon footprint they can do specific actions that they are not used to do.
    Reduce means using less resources now, for saving more later. Reuse means that something become useless can re-live another day. Recycling means converting something through processes into a new product.
    Video Two: Yes, it does. Recycling works because materials can be reused by converting them. People can even make money with it as the richest woman in China.
    The Environmental Guru says that inertia and superstion prevent recycling.
    We can recycle cans and bottles and even make money with them. We can recycle paper too: we put paper we don’t use in a box and when it is filled up, we take and dump it.
    This video inform me about what the global warming brings about; By watching it, people realize that if the glaciers melt, sea level will rise and there will be unavoidable, dangerous and fatal floods all over the world.
    It is time to take action because we are running out of it: in the next few years we are going to face some big problems like droughts, floods, tornadoes etc.
    The 3 R’s song: yes, I do but my ideal song to promote recycling would be a rock or metal song because it is more attractive to young people that are tomorrow’s citizens.
    Severn Suzuki speech: I want to make a difference by safeguarding the environment, making people think about this big problem and promoting the three R idea.
    Tips: Amazing! My family and I already stick to these tips. Surely we are going to keep this way!
    Videos and images at the end of the page: I really appreciated the video in which those animals kill them selves just because they can’t live any longer in that polluted environment: I got the message, an important message we all must get.

  19. EYE:
    -The child asks to her father because she see that the world when she live is trasformating in a worse place.
    -The global warming is caused by exhaust emissions by cars and factories and for reduce it we can go out by foot.
    -The images tell about the pollution created by us and how bad hurts to the animals and to the humans not realizing it. Recycling is an opportunity for who would live healthy. Also we spend less energy.

  20. -The global warming is an increase of the temperature, caused by human activities. For reduce it we can use less cars and others machines.
    -The photos of animals tell me that the recycling is important for oll life’s, and it is important to save others lives.
    -the girl of the video anks her dad if there is an happy ending because she wat a good life for animals.
    -I like the second video of Greenpace because, for me, it is more effect then the other

  21. Ads of the world:
    I like the first image because represent how we are destroying it. The people continue to act in this way the world will melt, the glaciers will dissolve and consequently the oceans’ water will raise and the planet will submerge. This is the reason why the world will not be the same.

  22. Why does the kid ask her dad whether there is a happy ending?
    Because the story is sad and kids usually thinks every story must have a happy ending.

    What is global warming? What is it caused by? What can we do to reduce it?
    Global warming is the most important threat to Earth’s future and is caused buy human activities. We can reduce the number of tons of greenhouse gases turning the thermostat down just one degree or using the washing machine and dishwasher only when it’s full. By cutting the annual mileage of automobiles in half, drivers can notably reduce carbon dioxide emission. And by adopting vegan diet we can reduce their emission by 0.5 tons per year.
    By increasing the use of renewable energy sources we can reduce the greenhouse gases emission.

    Look at the following images. What do the photos tell you? Why is recycling important?
    The photos tell me that is time to act in favor of recycling, because many animals die because of environmental pollution.

    In this Greenpeace global warming ad we do not have captions in English. What would your caption be?
    Don’t waste water if you don’t need it necessarily.

    What is carbon footprint?
    It’s a measure of the environmental impact of individual’s lifestyle or operation, measured in tons of carbon dioxide.

    What does Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mean? They are three key words to eliminate waste and protect your environment.

    What prevents recycling?
    To prevent recycling you have to reduce and reuse.

    How can we recycle?
    At first we have to sensitise people that recycling is important for the nature and for human race because rubbish pollutes the environment, than we have to throw objects in the opportune bin to allow the recycling.

    What does this video inform you of?
    This video inform me that there isn’t an exit from our planet emergency.

    Why is it time to take action?
    The climate is changing and this is a problem because the cause is air pollution then we have to reduce it.

    Do you like it? Yes, I really like it because it’s easy but it has an intense meaning.

    Though this girl gave her speech way back in 1992, at the age of 9 she wanted to make a difference. How do you want to make a difference? I’m going to remember people to respect recycling, don’t waste water and energy.

    Is there any tip that you could not follow? Why? What can you do to persuade your parents to help you stick to the tips and thus promote a better future for you and generations to come?
    I’m going to repeat my parents to respect the environment.

  23. Project on the environment
    1-Why does the kid ask her dad whether there is a happy ending?
    The kid asks her dad if there is a happy ending because the situation was horrible, and so the little girl thinks that there won’t be a happy ending in this story.

    2-What is global warming? What is it caused by? What can we do to reduce it?
    Global warming is a phenomenon that consists in the temperature’s rising, and it’s caused by human activities. To reduce it we can, for example, turn the thermostat down, or adopt a vegan diet just three days a week; also swapping halogen lights for LED light can save the environment too.

    3-What do the photos tell you? Why is recycling important?
    The photos tell me that if we continue to pollute the environment and to profit by it, we will destroy everything in this planet, including ourselves. Recycling is important because it can prevent the situation will get worse.

    4-What would your caption be?
    If the temperature will continue to rise in future, the level of sea will continue to rise, and so one day it will flood lots of lands.

    5-How is linked to the one with the baby in the bathtub? Which one do you find more effective in denouncing and asking to take action?
    It is linked with the video of baby in the bathtub because they both talk about the future of the planet and the changes that could happen in the future if we respect the environment. I think is more effective the one with the angry guy, because he says explicitly what is happening in our world.

    6- Carbon footprint
    2.25 planets

    7-What is carbon footprint?
    The carbon footprint is a mark that you leave on the environment with every action that release carbon.

    8-What do these people do wrong? How could they reduce their carbon footprint?
    For example, the girl that had a bath, could have a shower instead of the bath, wasting less water. The guys with the open fridge, would have to close it, wasting less energy.

    9-What does Reduce, Reuse, Recycle mean?
    Reduce means that instead of lots of small packages we can use a few big packages, saving more for later. Reuse means that when we use an item one time, we can reuse it, so that we wais less materials. Recycle means that materials can be reused but before this we have to reduce the amount of materials and then also reuse them, and only at the end we can recycle them.

    10-Does recycling work?
    Yes it works, in fact people can also get money selling recycle products.

    11-What prevents recycling?
    Inertia and superstitions.

    12-How can we recycle?
    For instance we can reuse reusable bags, or also we should not throw away clothes that can be repurposed.

    13-What does this video inform you of?
    This video says that Earth is telling us that we are destroying the planet we live in, and if we continue like this, we are doomed to die because of our own actions, and there aren’t ways to escape from this planet.

    14-Why is it time to take action?
    Because warming caused by greenhouse gas takes a lot of time to reduce, therefore later we will start respecting the environment, later the global warming will decrease.

    15-The 3R’s song. Do you like it? What would your ideal song to promote recycling be like?
    I really like this song, especially because it’s really funny and the rhythm is very nice. My ideal song to promote recycling is similar to this song, but I would prefer a different lyrics, maybe more poetic I think.

    16- Tips
    -Is there any tip that you could not follow? Why?
    Yes, there is. I can’t create a compost heap because I haven’t got a garden, and also I can’t become vegetarian, because I love meat!  but maybe I can try to reduce the amount of meat that I eat.
    -What can you do to persuade your parents to help you stick to the tips and thus promote a better future for you and the generations to come?
    Unfortunately I can only try to talk to them and try to convince them that recycling is very important to save our lives.

    17-Imagine comment
    I chose the imagine of the ice-cream, because it is perfect to understand what are the effects of global warming, in fact now the Earth is like an ice-cream that is melting because of the heat.

    The kid asks her dad whether there is a happy ending because in the story she saw a lot of animals that died and maybe she understand that this story is the reality and she hope that the animals don’t die.
    The global warming is the increase the temperature in effect the glaciers are melting.
    Global warming caused by human activities is one of the most serious threats to our planet’s future.
    We can turning the thermostat down just one degree, swapping halogen lights for LED lights, using the washing machine and dishwasher only when full, don’t using the tumble dryer, eating a vegan or vegetarian diet just three or seven days a week. Also we can increasing the use of solar panels, wind turbines, water wheels and biomass and people with this changes reduce a lot of greenhouse gas emissions.
    The photos tell me that there are a lot of animals in that terms and we did it and we are doing always.
    Recycling is important because we killed a lot of animals and we don’t do it again. Some animals die because some people throw the rubbish in the sea.
    The kids play with the water but the water is essential. Don’t waste much it.
    Maybe the boy understood how will be the future but the baby just understood there is a lot of water.
    I think that the video with the boy is more effective because he is very certain of how will be the Earth but also he doesn’t want to live in this world for this we have to do something.
    It’s a mark you leave upon environment with every action that release carpets.
    These people don’t recycling and that cause the carbon footprint.
    1. Yes, it does. In effect some people want to buy recycling materials.
    2. One is that there are a lot of garbage cans and that make confusing to people.
    3. We can recycling, for exemple, reuse a shopping bag and reuse the clothes because a lot of garbage cans are full of them.
    4. Because the climate change and caused by our mission of gases, such as carbon dioxide and methane that increase the greenhouse effect of the atmosphere; glaciers are melting faster than expected, sea level is on the rise. These impacts detroy people’s livelihoods and homes.
    THE 3 R’S:
    Yes, I like it, and it is tis my ideal song because are very important the three words “reduce, reuse, recycle”.
    I just want to change the things we do every day, because we wast a lot of energy and we pollute a lot.
    No, there isn’t.
    Maybe showing them that tips because are very important.
    1. I like the photo with the hand and over it the bears because you see that the glaciers are melting and it is a big problem today.
    2. I chose a photo with animals because they die to cause this climate.
    3. Both videos are more effective so I don’t choose one because they make understand how is the animals’ life.

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