We are the environment

Read the following quotations (pay attention to their dates as well, they are quite revealing!)
Which one(s) do you like the most? Why?  Why do you think the dates (when mentioned) are revealing? 
Man shapes himself through decision that shape his environment.Rene Dubos
Thank God men cannot fly, and lay waste the sky as well as the earth.  – Henry David Thoreau
Modern technology
Owes ecology
An apology.

Alan M. Eddison
We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. – Native American Proverb
We abuse land because we regard it as a commodity belonging to us. When we see land as a community to which we belong, we may begin to use it with love and respect. Aldo Leopold, A Sand County Almanac
And Man created the plastic bag and the tin and aluminum can and the cellophane wrapper and the paper plate, and this was good because Man could then take his automobile and buy all his food in one place and He could save that which was good to eat in the refrigerator and throw away that which had no further use.  And soon the earth was covered with plastic bags and aluminum cans and paper plates and disposable bottles and there was nowhere to sit down or walk, and Man shook his head and cried:  "Look at this Godawful mess." – Art Buchwald, 1970
The insufferable arrogance of human beings to think that Nature was made solely for their benefit, as if it was conceivable that the sun had been set afire merely to ripen men's apples and head their cabbages. – Savinien de Cyrano de Bergerac, États et empires de la lune, 1656
When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. – David Orr
Will urban sprawl spread so far that most people lose all touch with nature? Will the day come when the only bird a typical American child ever sees is a canary in a pet shop window? When the only wild animal he knows is a rat – glimpsed on a night drive through some city slum? When the only tree he touches is the cleverly fabricated plastic evergreen that shades his gifts on Christmas morning? Frank N. Ikard, North American Wildlife and Natural Resources Conference, Houston, March 1968

How long can men thrive between walls of brick, walking on asphalt pavements, breathing the fumes of coal and of oil, growing, working, dying, with hardly a thought of wind, and sky, and fields of grain, seeing only machine-made beauty, the mineral-like quality of life?Charles A. Lindbergh, Reader's Digest, November 1939

Read the following excerpt and answer the following questions:

What are the lines that make you understand that the white man’s approach to nature is different from the native’s?
What are the lines that somehow anticipate the terrible climatic changes and natural disasters our era is witnessing?
What are the lines that make you understand how little man is compared to nature’s majesty and power?
What is the line that makes you understand that the white man has been blind as to the possible retaliation of nature?
Chief Seattle’s words become very melancholic at a certain point of the passage.  When? Why?
His words are deprived of any hatred towards the white man, who deprived his people of their dignity and their living sap.  Why? Where do you detect this absence of anger or hatred?  What feeling(s) do you think ooze from Chief Seattle’s words?

Excerpts From Chief Seattle's Famous Speech to President Franklin Pierce

In 1854, the United States Government aggressively offered to buy 2 million acres of land occupied by native people in the Northwest. Below is a translation of excerpts from Chief Seattle's (Chief Sealth) reply to President Franklin Pierce in December of that year. His speech has been described as one of the most beautiful and prophetic statements on the environment ever made. Why?

chiefseattle"The Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land. The Great Chief also sends us words of friendship and good will. This is kind of him, since we know he has little need of our friendship in return. But we will consider your offer. How can you buy or sell the sky, the warmth of the land? The idea is strange to us. If we do not own the freshness of the air and sparkle of the water, how can you buy them ?Every part of this earth is sacred to my people. Every shining pine needle, every sandy shore, every mist in the dark woods, every clearing, and every humming insect is holy in the memory and experience of my people. The sap which courses through the trees carries the memories of the red man. So, when the Great Chief in Washington sends word that he wishes to buy our land, he asks much of us…"
"This we know: All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth. Man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it. Whatever he does to the web, he does to himself. But we will consider your offer to go to the reservation you have for my people. We will live apart, and in peace…."
"If we agree, it will be to secure the reservation you have promised.
There, perhaps, we may live out our brief days as we wish. When the last red man has vanished from the earth, and his memory is only the shadow of a cloud moving across the prairie, these shores and forests will still hold the spirits of my people. For they love this earth as the newborn loves its mother's heartbeat. So, if we sell our land, love it as we've loved it. Care for it as we have cared for it. Hold in your mind the memory of the land as it is when you take it. And preserve it for your children…"

wseattlebThis Eco Glossary may prove to be useful to you, should you want to investigate the environmental issue a bit further.
Now I would like you to learn a bit more about Severn Suzuki, an environmental activist, scientist and speaker.  She was just a young adolescent when she started campaigning for the environment, this means young people can make a difference if they speak out and make the world hear their voices.  This post gives you a voice too.  Exploit it if you wish. 

Environmental activist, scientist and speaker

She Severn Suzuki spoke to the UN at the age of 12. Watch the videoclip from Youtube.  I am attaching the file of her speech, so that you can refer to it should you encounter any difficulties. 

Address to the Plenary Session

What are the most “moving” moments in her speech?  What do you notice about the listeners’ facial expressions?

Now read what Severn Suzuki wrote after all those years.

a few years after

In what way do you think her state of mind and her approach to mankind have changed?  Do you think her words reveal pessimism for our future?  Do you think she has lost faith in the possibilities of a better future for mankind?  Support your answers with evidence from the text. 

severnbookHPShe claims something terrible, that unfortunately I too see in some of my young students: “generation is becoming increasingly disconnected from the natural world”.  This explains why every year I try to sensitize my students (YOU!) to a more self-conscious approach to nature.  Some of them (YOU) see me as a tedious freak: I am in favour of vegetarianism, I always recycle, I never litter, I use eco-friendly household detergents (they cost more, but they protect you and the environment), I cycle whenever I can, I walk and I recycle whatever I can, though I would love to get better at it, I avoid plastic bags, I am going to stop buying water in plastic bottles, I run my dishwasher and washing machine full load and at night time, I never leave the tap running when I brush my teeth and when I take a shower I save as much water as I can.  Am I a freak for this?  No, I just love nature and thus I try to respect it.  But then at school I see students littering all the time.  We have a wonderful park, but they litter Coke cans, water bottles, cigarette butts.  The funny part is that there are dustbins everywhere, yet, some do not use them.  Why?  If you reprimand them, they rarely listen.  If you oblige them to clean up, then some of their parents complain, because students should not be forced to clean, there are janitors meant for that.   What’s happening to parents?  Aren’t they able to parent any longer? Of course, this does not involve everybody, but I would like to read your comments about these observations of mine.

Severn Suzuki emphasises the fact that “real environmental change depends on us” and we must act straightaway.  Postponing direct action to safeguard our environment is an act of irresponsibility we cannot afford any longer.  I am childless and I feel worried more than friends who have three kids.  Am I overreacting or are they blind?  Isn’t there a way in between?  In what way do you think you can reduce your carbon footprint (that is your impact on the environment)?

I hope this first post will help you become more responsible.  As Gandhi said many years ago, "We must become the change we want to see."

Young people (YOU) are just incredible in their (YOUR) potentials.  You can make a difference.  Severn Suzuki decided to travel a long distance to deliver a speech before worldwide leaders.  I am asking you to “rap your way” in support of the environment.  The following rap uses foul language perhaps to reinforce the idea of anger or to echo most rappers who generally use “abusive” language.  Looking forward to listening and watching you rap. (TASK ONE)

Now stretch your imagination and write through the “eyes” of a natural element.  Be a wave, an eagle, a stone, a raindrop and let me/us hear your voice.  It could be about your daily life, it could be about the changes you have experienced over years or even centuries, it could be about your anger for being neglected, exploited, it could be….. unleash your creativity, I’ve prodded you enough!  Mine will follow shortly, do not worry.  Your homework is my homework, so I will do this TASK TWO myself, as usual.

Some of you may have already watched the following video.  I find the “poetic” journey of a plastic bag quite pertinent to TASK TWO.  It may help you understand what giving voice to voiceless objects or elements mean.
This short film by American director Ramin Bahrani traces the epic, existential journey of a plastic bag searching for its lost maker, the woman who took it home from the store and eventually discarded it. Along the way, it encounters strange creatures, experiences love in the sky, grieves the loss of its beloved maker, and tries to grasp its purpose in the world.  In the end, the wayward plastic bag wafts its way to the ocean, into the tides, and out into the Pacific Ocean trash vortex — a promised nirvana where it will settle among its own kind and gradually let the memories of its maker slip away.

55 Replies to “We are the environment”

  1. The quotation

    The quotation that I like more is the second, because I think that it is like a joke but that quotation tells us that men are damaging the environment of the earth but luckily the won't damage the sky! So the quotation says that luckily something, like the sky, won't never be damaged by human beings. I think that dates are revealing because it shows us that there have always been problems with the environment.

    Chief Seattle's speech

    Reading this speech we understand that the white man's approach to nature is different from native's because white man thinks that the earth belongs to the man so they can sell land, house and territories and native man think that man belongs to the earth. I think that the lines that anticipate the terrible climatic changes and natural disasters our era is witnessing are the lines that tell " whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth". I understand how little man is compared to nature's majesty and power in the lines that tell " man did not weave the web of life; he is merely a strand in it so whatever he does to the web, he does to himself". White man has been blind as to the possible retaliation of nature because he thinks that earth belongs to him so he thinks that he can do whatever he want with it, but he is wrong because he does not understand that if he do something wrong to the nature, his children will be suffering. Chief Seattle's words become very melancholic when he try to explain with metaphor that if men doing something wrong now, they are only making a bad future for their sons! I think that Chief Seattle's words are deprived of any hatred towards the white man because he and the native man are tired of white man's behaviour and they know that is difficult change their ideas about the environment, so I think that they are trying to make them understand how the environment important is. I think that Chief Seattle is sorry about this situation and he's a bit worried about the future.

    Severn Suzuki's speech

    I think that the most "moving" moments in her speech were when she told that we are a big family, when she said that we had to share things and when she made the example of the child that lives in the streets of Brazil. I think that her speech was touching because she had got the courage to tell to the world the truth! All the listeners were intent, touched, amazed and surprised that a 12-years-old girl could tell that things! I think that Severn Suzuki's state of mind have changed because she becomes more grown-up and more mature, she understand many things, for example she understand that sometimes ( many times) people talk, tell, says things and promised things that they would never do. She understands that if we want a better future we have to act before it's too late! So she hasn't lost faith in the possibilities of a better future for mankind but she thinks that if we want a better future we have to work together!

    (TASK ONE)

    Rap Song

    Paper, plastic and glass

    they want to be apart

    they don't like lying on the grass

    they want to be apart

    Rabbit, dog and cat

    they want to run around

    around a beautiful tree

    a tree away from glass

    Unluckily, unluckily the tree is surrounded

    leaves are burning

    dog is running

    running away

    away of danger the danger of a tree

    that was surrounded

    surrounded by rubbish

    rubbish rubbish

    human's rubbish

    the world is rubbish

    you must apart rubbish!

    Rit. Paper, plastic and glass

    they want to be apart

    they don't like lying on the grass

    they want to be apart

    Last night I was in a park

    and even it was dark

    I saw a plastic bag

    entangled in an animal leg

    I try to free the poor thing

    but it started to run in a ring

    I wasn’t able to release it

    so I called my friend to catch it

    so please don’t leave your rubbish along the park path

    or you will arise my wrath!

    Rit. Paper, plastic and glass

    they want to be apart

    they don't like lying on the grass

    they want to be apart

    Now we live in Junkies Cities

    Would you really live like this?

    Would you really have grey cities, grey houses and grey eyes?

    Walking up with pollution instead of sun

    walking with traffic instead of run

    Junkie streets, Junkie hearts, junkie lives.

    Would you really live like this?

    Rit. Paper, plastic and glass

    they want to be apart

    they don't like lying on the grass

    they want to be apart!!!

    (Valentina Porro, Elisabetta Rossetti and Elena Ghersetti)


    (TASK TWO)

    Hi guys! I’m Fred and I’m a tree. I want to use this space to tell you how I fell now and how difficult is being a tree. I’m happy to be a tree, I like that many birds come to my arms and start singing the songs of the moment (there is one called “ John the redbreast” that sings like Bob Marley). My favourite season is summer because the sun shines all the days and I became the most suntanned of all the trees in the park! I don’t like when couples come near me and start carving my poor beautiful skin…Oh beautiful bark! Only to write their stupid names! But now I’m sad and furious because four horrible men had killed my relatives!!! I want to run away, I want to go to my uncle in Africa but I can’t, I can’t fly away, I will remain here for years! I’m exhausted, I don’t like this park any more! Many days ago it was a big and beautiful park with trees, children, mothers, grandparents, guys and toys….But five days ago the mayor had come to the park and had put a notice were there was wrote “ CLOSED”, then two days ago came four men that killed my relatives! The mayor closed the park only because he will build two bigs block of flats! Please guys help me…I cannot speak, I can only write a letter to tell you that you are the future! You can change the world and protect the environment!

    Thanks, Fred the tree.





    Few days ago a shocking calamity
    has devastated the Japan community
    16 thousand people are died
    and other haven't been found
    I think we are all obliged
    to think about it.
    Now the radiations
    are causing damage to the population.
    And then there are emissions and air pollution 
    and it seems there are no solutions.
    We are overwhelmed by sweaping,
    but it seems  everyone is sleeping,
    because nobody worries about that,
    noone considers seriously that  fact  
    the only thing they do is consuming and consuming even more
    until sweaping'll knock their door.
    The problem is big but noone understands it,
    if only we tried to think about it
    if only we did our  bit,
    maybe tomorrow the world will smile again,
    and we will be able to free ourselves from this heavy chain.
    Silvia, Giada, Valentina, Giulia, Lucrezia, Riccardo, Mattia

  3. Which one(s) do you like the most? Why?  Why do you think the dates (when mentioned) are revealing? 
    I like the second one because it makes me think about the fact that if we destroy the Earth, where will we continue to live? In the sky? I think no because surely we will destroy it too sooner or later!
    In this quotation there are no dates, but I may draw a moral: wherever human beings go, they exploit the surrounded resources so much that they would destroy the earth that gives ospitality to them.
    His speech has been described as one of the most beautiful and prophetic statements on the environment ever made. Why?
    Because he speaks about the land when he and his people live with all of respect, fondness and love of the world. For them sell a piece of land means give a piece of their nature up, which is a part of their life. And this would be a loss too much big and painful for them. But the white man can’t understand this.
    I have liked these words: “Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons of the earth”… For them the earth with her nature is their mother, so they consider them as her sons, and they respect her.
    “So if we sell our land, love it as we’ve loved it”. But white men never will do it.
    What are the most “moving” moments in her speech?  What do you notice about the listeners’ facial expressions?
    I think a moving moment in her speech is when she says she could be one of the children living in the Favellas of Rio or a child starving in Somalia or a victim of war in the Middle East or a beggar in India. I think it is important that a girl of 12 years old realizes that she could be born in a poor country and that she is lucky… often I think about it too and I thank God for being born in Italy and in a family like mine.
    Another touching moment is when she says to parents that they can’t comfort their children by saying "everyting's going to be alright', "we're doing the best we can" and "it's not the end of the world" anymore because the way in which the world is going on doesn’t permit to say these sentences.
    While Severn is talking the listeners listen to her with attention, nearly surprised that a teenager could say so many important and moving words. And I think they wonder to themselves: “how stupid and disrespectful are we?”
    In what way do you think her state of mind and her approach to mankind have changed?  Do you think her words reveal pessimism for our future?  Do you think she has lost faith in the possibilities of a better future for mankind? 
    Now she realizes that 10 years ago she was only a little baby and she looked at the world with the naïve eyes of a baby and it seemed all simple.
    I think she is very pessimist for the future because she looks at the world as there is nothing more to do. For she the world is going to destroy and die because of the people who live in the earth, the unrespectful and selfish people.
    As I have written before, I think she doesn’t believe in a resumption of the environment, maybe she hopes it for the generation that will come after we.
    I think she has taken offence at the mankind because she has understood that not all the people of the world care about the environment that surrounds them, so they continue to pollute an to destroy it, but not all of them.
    I think that some of the parents don’t care about how their sons behave: it is enough that they don’t create problems to their parents, then they can do whatever they want. But it isn’t a good teaching because when adolescent will grow. They will teach to their children the same things that they have learnt from their father and mother and so on… so the world sooner or later will be inhabited by selfish and unrespectful people, a bit like nowadays.
    I couldn’t wait to be born, I was so excited! At last I would have seen the World, the famous planet Earth… I wonder how She could have been, what colour would have been She, who already lived there… I was sure I would have liked the Earth because She would have became my new home, I imagined She would have welcomed me with a huge hug, but…
    Now I’m here, I’m a beautiful cherry tree with lots of pink, soft flowers on my branches, but my beauty here is wasted: I live who knows where, in an enormous city full of cars, people, houses, shopping centres, buses, trains… when I was born I couldn’t breathe and my kindled eyes of joy and happiness were put out by the dark of the sky… the air wasn’t clean as I had imagined, the sky wasn’t neither limpid nor without storm clouds and the rain wasn’t pure… everything that surrounded me was noisy, even the wind which transported all the pollution that human beings produced with their stupid cars, industries and means of transport…
    And now? now I’m living in the same way, perhaps even worse… what is the sense of my life here? If I had known that the Earth was in this way, I think I wouldn’t have wanted to be born… If only I could do something to improve the situation… but what can a tree do?  Nothing… yes, I produce the oxygen, but this is my job… If only I could communicate with humans…
    Now is coming the same old dog with its same old owner to relieve itself on my delicate trunk…
    But it doesn’t care… because I close my eyes and I imagine my own beautiful world, in where I would have lived since forever… it is covered everywhere by grass, full of plants and trees… there are animals and human beings that live respecting the environment… If only it would be real…
    Giulia Girardi

  4.  Hey, you
    Why don't you try to reduce Co2???
    Maybe you don’t care
    But there are ones who hope no extinction for the polar bear.
    I know, you don’t pay attention
    But every second people practice deforestation
    And while we don't try to deny the hole in the sky
    Some wonderful animals die
    So please establish yourself a limit
    If we combine our forces we will win it
    Otherwise, later or soon,
    You will live on the moon. 

                      honchar maria

    Think how many days
    That you can change;
    Think about the animals
    That you can save;
    Consider how puppies
    You can make survive.
    Rit.So stop the insanity
    Stop the ecocide;
    A part of nature is dying.
    Think how many trees
    We are going to eradicate;
    Think about the forests
    That we are destroying;
    Think how many rivers
    That we are diverting.
    Threatened creatures, dirty seas
    And polluted atmosphere.
    Climate change and melting glaciers
    Are the background of this slowly death.
    So stop the ecocide,
    or will be to late.
    Think of our future
    Think of our child.
    They will have a shit life.
    Face the reality,
    don’t look back yourself.
    But face the future
    With a kind of courage.
    Don’ t fork out money in stupid things .
    But use the best abilities
    To save the environment
    this would be thousand times more efficient.
    Rit.So stop the insanity, stop the ecocide
    Stop the indifference, stop the suicide.
    I want a new future with animals and rights.
                                                                                                Emanuele Li Calzi
    If I were fire, I’d burn up the world
    If I were fire, I would consume the world;
    If I were wind,  then I would blow it down;
    If I were water, I would make it drown;
    If I were God, t’would to the depths be hurled.
    If I were Pope, I’d have a lot of fun
    with how I’d make all Christians work for me;
    If I were emperor, then you’d really see –
    I’d have the head cut off of everyone.
    If I were death, then I’d go to my father 
    If I were life, I’d not abide with him 
    And so, and so, would I do to my mother
    If I were Cecco – as in fact I am –
    I’d chase the young and pretty girls; to others
    Would I leave the lame or wrinkled dam.
    Cecco Angiolieri.
    What a different world Cecco had described! Sure, he was borned a long time ago. But how could the globe been so  awful? Perhaps the writer hated the life.. and so.. whose fault it is? In my opinion, too often we lay the blame on the others; but, is it right? I don’ t think so. Even if we are always blameless. And now think about our  world, our future with a kind of responsibility.  Don’t beat down on the world. It’s our house and without it, we couldn’t had built any home for humankind.
    The jellyfish
    Hello friends! I’m a jellyfish. My name is Blue. I’m young, I’m two years old.
    I want to tell you how difficult is being a jellyfish.
    Do you know? We are very sensitive. We love clean water.  We swim in drifts and we head for free oceans and non polluted seas. We are urticant. Recently we are malicious, only because there is no food. No plankton, no organisms. And we are starving. The water is always more polluted; there’s no more oxygen in it.  We labour to breath. We couldn’t see anything. The water is always more dark. We couldn’t find any jellyfriend , and so we are going to vanishing.  And maybe not just us, but the whole marine environment.
    Please humans, you should help us!  We could met us halfway. But please, stop polluting. We are dying.
    We lived in the earth from millions of years.  We want to live again like a long time ago! We want breath, we want see the other species and we want fall in love again. We don’t ask for a lot of things. We are asking only for simple rights. Rights that human being make without problems.. for the time being!
                                                                                         Emanuele Li Calzi


    We have dreamt to seeing green wide lawns
    now we wonder if they will even exist.
    we are afraid to go out in the sun
    because of the pollution
    we are afraid to go for a swimming
    because we don't know what substances are in it.

    Rit.We want to tell you // that there are millions children who are starving
           we want to tell you // that there are countless animals dying
           behind our eyes we are loosing our mind
           we are not thinking about future generations
           and we are damaging our situation

    Our eyes don't see what is happening
    we don't have all the time that we think
    and we don't have the solution for all our problems
    our eyes don't see what is happening

    Rit.We want to tell you // that there are millions children who are starving
           we want to tell you // that there are countless animals dying
           behind our eyes we are loosing our mind
           we are not thinking about future generations
           and we are damaging our situation

    You don't know how to face the pollution
    you don't know how to bring back an animal now extinct
    If you don't know it please STOP BREAKING IT


  7.  Every time I go out of my house,
    I see in the city a huge caos;
    Take down the pollution,
    This is the solution
    But that’s gonna be a delusion;
    Plastics, bottles, paper and other things
    Are always in the streets;
    We must recycle and go by bicicle
    We must work together to live in health forever;
    Take down the pollution,
    This is the solution!
    Take down the pollution,
     this is the solution!
    Every body in the planet
    must cry : ”wo! I love the environment!”
    I hope this is not just a dream because we are still a team!
    Take down the pollution,
    this is the solution!
    Take down the pollution,
    this is the solution!

                                                                                              ARY & YAS  


    I am a pine and  I live together with many other trees in a great lawn on top of the mountain.
    I have lost my parents when I was child and now  I live only with my friends.
    I love when the birds come in my branches and they make the nest for theirs pups.
    I love when the wind moves my leaves and when snow lean in me.
    I love when the people come to relax under my head of hair.
    But now, also in these places the air is not healthy and my leaves are making yellow.
    I am worried because I know that sooner or later someone will come from me to bring me away, as they has done with my parents.
    I hope that the things change and that someone understands that more people are destroying the world.


  9. Hi,I'm betty and I'm a whale, a baby-whale. I want to tell you how much hard my life is. Everyday a swim with my mum and my brothers in the pacific ocean. It is very big and deep. EVerybody thinks our life is simple and full of confort and happiness but this is not the truth. Every day we musst swim for kilometres and kilometres to find a bench of plancton. Now unfortunately plancton is almost gone and we can't find oother food to feed ourselves. My granny has died because of the hunger. I'm so sad.
    Everyday we have to be careful beacause there are many poacher that
    hunt us. They want our meet because they like it very much. Why human beings like our meat? We are just whales! do not hunt us!
    Nowadays human beings don't understand we have our lives and we want to live quietly like all the other animals. I hope that children of future generations will understand my message.
    I'm 2 years old whale and I want to live my life happily with my family and my friends so please live us alone in the ocean!

  10. I like an awful lot blowing on the meadows and folding the grass.
    I like ruffling the sea and pushing fast the sailing boats on the water.
    I'm amused to ruffle woman's hair with beautiful hair-styles; and I like flying a happy child's kite.
    sometimes when I'm angry I become violent and I destroy everything unfortunally!
    But this is me… this is the wind!

    Silvia Zongaro.

  11. Why?
    I wonder it every day.
    Why am I here?
    Why does nobody care about me?
    Why do people crush me?
    Why do people tear me away from my land?
    Why do people ruin my petals?
    Why do the children who are playing happily remove the petals?
    Is that funny?
    No, it is not. Not for me.
    This is my life and I wonder myself:
    why am I a daisy destined to die?

    Lara De Piero 2^H

  12. Nowadays is so difficult to live
    We can always one hit receive,
    There are so many people that believe
    That they are perfect human beings.
    But there are other global problems
    That are the people who behave like vandals,
    They destroy our nature in so many ways
    And why we haven’t anything to say?
    The pollution of the air,
    The water isn’t very clear,
    Someone haven’t anything to eat
    But it isn’t enough big problem! Doesn’t it?
    The deforestation is the simple sing,
    The global warming that we can see,
    The killing of the animals doesn’t care,
    The wars that lasts for many years.
    What do you think about it?
    Would you like in this way exist?
    Or it is the time to change?
    Because we are not the last people in the space!

    -We do not inherit the earth from our ancestors, we borrow it from our children. – Native American Proverb
    I like this quotation because people must understand that Earth is important not only for the people that live on it now but also for the future generations.
    -When we heal the earth, we heal ourselves. – David Orr
    I like this quotation because we must understand that we are part of Earth and not that Earth belongs to us!

    TASK 2: Hi! I'm the wind 🙂
    I love to fly over this beautiful Earth : over the sky, the ocean, the forests..
    But the more the days pass the more I realize that the world is change. The sky is not so fresh and clean, it is full of pollution. The ocean is not so blue, it is black, black because of the oil. The forests are not many because of deforestations.. and I am heavy, heavy because of all this pollution. I hope that somebody could take care of this planet which cannot rebels against this.
    Valentina Paronuzzi 2°F

  14. Hi I am Ricky the penguin; I speak to you because I didn't find my family and my friends, they probably are escaped from here, it is too hot for us penguin to stay here. Day after day I don't find the other penguins…or probably they are died… but I hope thy are still live.
    We penguins don't know what is happening on the Earth and we want to ask it at humans being. They haven't respect for us…now the ices in our country are thawing; this because of the humans' activity: they have industry, hydroelectric plant, oilfield on all the nature on the Earth. Now these are the results: Earthquakes, tsunamis, melting ecc. We have respect for humans and the nature but they haven't respect both for the Earth and for us animal .If only we animals have the control of the Planet… 
    We hope the humans being solve these disasters wich persecute our Planet, but the first rules to do it could be that they MUST have respect for us and for nature…if there is not that, goodbye Earth unfortunately.
    We pretend nothing but we hope the humans change in the future with us and they do all the thing they can do to improve ours health, humans, animals and natures one.
    Riccardo Sartori 2°F


    those plastic bag that man have made
    bring junk to our streets
    and when the users have just paid
    the world is crying under palastic beats.
    the factories make theese peace of death
    'couse the food has to be well covered
    while the world hold his breath
    as we kill a brother.

    someone throw them away
    in the seas or in the lakes
    in the wood, why not?
    but this is not our hip hop.

    step by step, we all fall down
    'couse peace of plastic are in the ground.
    we're supposed to be the human
    that with respect belong to the earth
    but with all this pollution
    we can just hold our fuking breath!!!

    postato da Valerio Zaina e Nicola Zyiad

  16. I wanna be….
    I wanna be a peach- blossom,
    I'm glad to be  this kind of flower,  I wouldn't seem conceited, but I'm extremly beautiful, I'm pink, the colour of spring and I have so much friends that I don't know where turn me as there are other of them everywhere.
    We cover the trees, and without us the pour trees would have stung by waspes but there aren't problems because the bugs want us!
    Then we can get a nice tan, because we blossom in spring and in this  season the sun begins to shine
    Besides we become tasty fruits that make feel people's mouth smile
    Lucrezia Busato

  17. I wanna be a poplar…
    …because is a tree as simple as I am a bit too…
    …because in winter I wrap myself in that white coat that will keep me  warm and the children shook me to play with the snow…
    …because in the winter when I'm sad and bare, the birds will lean on me and they will tickle me…
    …because in spring I'll be full of flowers and everyone looked at me and make me pictures…well I’m a bit egocentric!
    …because I can see the world from above…
    …because finally I will not have to go get something to eat but I want it when I want…and also it will carry to me!
    …But I also know that I feel very bad when some man who has no respect for nature cut me to warm him and his family…
    …But certainly there are more people who will love me compared to who would cut me…

  18. THE TREE
    I am a tree.Don't you see I am whitering up?Why don't you water me?
    My leafs are becoming yellow,like my branches. I'm dying.And one day you''l say it will time to cut me off.No.No for all the tea of China.When I'll die you will be the guilty.You have polluted for all these years.You have killed me.
    But I hope when you will cut me,you'll remember all the moments have you spent near me.And I hope you'll change idea.Or you'll become a murderer.
    But I know you have ever been the child who have built this cabin only to play for hours and hours.
    If I die in this way,I won't cry for you,but only for the little birds which sang for me in the lonely days of winter.

    AND NOW IT'S RAP TIME!(excuse for all the bad words I'll use,but rap is this too)
    Hello moddafakkas!
    I see you pollute
    and pollute and pollute
    Aren't you tired to pollute?
    Now get up your fuckin' ass
    I want the attention of the class
    What's in this bin liner
    oh damn it's yo eye liner
    what the fuckin' do yo eye liner,my ass
    with paper and glass
    what a moddafakka mass.
    Why the hell yo don't recycling
    i'm gonna yo ass kicking.
    Then use yo bike
    or what yo like
    but no yo car
    or I burn it and you don't go so far.
    I can say anymore
    but yo lazy
    and don't hear more
    yo must do this fuckin things
    or I throw yo in a bin.
    Respect the environment,
    pollute so less
    and yo gonna see
    all become more beautiful
    and I'll kick less
    yo fuckin ass.

    Mattias Gerometta 2H

  19. Task two
    Hallo guys, I’m a cloudy and I have a message for you, Although some people trying to save the world, most of you get over the environmental problems. I’ m here in sky to look into the behavior of humans because I don’t understand it. Why are people polluting? They abuse and despise the world. I saw that if the humans live in a clean, healthy and in a beautiful place and not in a landfill, they are happy; then I wanna be swift to run away with pollution. But you must recycle; it’s not possible tread the rubbish in the park, you must look the labels of the products, you must be responsible people to save the future of the world. I’m here, I’m watching you!!
    Giada Blasut..

  20. If I Were The Earth
    I’ve started shooting billion rounding ago and every day is different from the day before, every day there are many people who burn and other ones who enter in me. Look at them they are so small but  with a huge soul theirs emotions touch me really much, they are my little children I try to give them all what they need I really love them!
    Twenty rounding around the sun ago something started to change very quickly I can’t understand why I’m still the same and they too, what is changed?
    They are looking just to themselves they don’t care for the others and for me.
    They can’t understand that every tree that is cutted marks an indelible scar in me and little by little day by day these scars will be refected on them.
    Sometimes they look at my sky, especially when they are alone, they close their eyes and I  really don’t know what they are trying to do but If only I could know what they are thinking!
    Sometimes they look at me and smile usually when the sun is near me, they admire my blue eyes sky and I feel embarassed .
    But this moment is becoming really rare because they are too much busy on their business and there is no time for me any longer.
    But I don’t understand why, what I have done? Maybe my resources aren’t enough for them, but I can’t do anything, but if they continue in this way I will be destroyed and the most badly thing is that
    They will be my killers, my children!
    If only they could listen to me I will tell them to help me, they can survive exellently with less why they don’t understand that?
    It was perfect when my life was going perfectly the summers were hot  and the winters cold, spring and autumn  mixed by them, now all is a mess and they are suffering with me too.
    They are still in time to save themselves and me too, but they don’t care they are continuing to do wars, but for what? They will all die, there are no reasons for wars , their souls are getting smaller
    And their malice is getting bigger and bigger.
    They don’t understand that every drop of rain is a tear, my tear, they don’t realize that the numeber of  precipitations is increasing , for them is a simple rain , but that is my pain.
    Not all them are like that, there are many people who are really really poor, but they still smile at me they believe in me, but they are suffering too much soffering even if they don’t deserve this!
    Is for them that I am trying to go on to survive, but will come the time that I will give up.
    Now It’s up to them !
    If they want to proceed like that my only advice for them is to enjoy their time here and to take delight of my resources!
    Xheni Mullahi

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